Marysville Animal Care Services
My Account
Licensing & Fees
Volunteer Opportunities
Animal Care Services

 Marysville Animal Care Services



Located at:                                                     

316 6th Street

Marysville, CA 95901


Dispatch phone:          (530) 749-3900

Animal Control:           (530) 749-3927






To create an account please click on the ‘My Account’ tab to the left of this page.  Once you have an account you can pay your renewal license as well as update your contact information.





Field Services hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.






We are also closed on major holidays.  In case of emergency, please contact the Police Department dispatch center at  (530) 749-3908.


Important links related to animal services





Local Animal Shelters:

Yuba County Animal Care Services

5245 Feather River Blvd.

Olivehurst, CA 95961

(530) 741-6478


Sutter Animal Services Authority

200 Garden Hwy

Yuba City, CA 95991

(530) 822-7375



Access your account

You are not logged in. You only need to login to update your own records.
Feel free to browse the other pages on our site without logging in.

Email address

If you previously created an account and have forgotten your password.

If you have not created your online access and you received a quick account setup code.

If you have not created your online access and you don't have a quick account setup code.


Only create an account if you live within the outlined area of the map below:



Licensing Fees

As of July 2, 2019 the following prices were approved and passed by our City Council. 

Per the City of Marysville’s Municipal Code, §8.12.090 (b) No such license shall

be issued unless and until the dog has been vaccinated with a state-approved

rabies vaccine by injection. The owner or person in possession of the dog must

present or submit a rabies vaccination certificate, good for the licensing period.


Altered (Spayed or Neutered)                      Unaltered


                1 year license: $10                                           1 year license: $24

                2 year license: $16                                           2 year license: $48

                3 year license: $24                                           3 year license: $72



    Other fees to be aware of are as follows:

Late dog license fee:                       $20

Duplicate – replacement tag:      $6

Emotional Support Dog:                $0

Law Enforcement Dog:                  $0

Correctable Violations:                  $50




                                1st Offense:                           $42.50

                                2nd Offense:                          $85

                                3rd Offense:                           $127.50

                                4th Offense:                           $170

                                5th Offense:                           $212.50


*All fees must be paid in full BEFORE the animal may be retrieved from impoundment.


Purchase or Renew Your Dog License


You can click on “My Account” on the left to purchase online.

In Person

Marysville City Hall

526 C Street

Marysville, CA 95901


Licensing Hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m


·         Please be sure to provide a copy of your pets current rabies vaccination

certificate. Proof of rabies vaccination is required for licensing.


·         Provide certificate of spay or neuter (If applicable) to receive discounted

license rates.


By Mail


Complete the attached animal license application. Enclose proof of rabies vaccination

and spay/neuter (if applicable). Mail all necessary items with check, cash or money order.

Animal License Application